
Hadoop 2017. 11. 16. 10:18

Hive가 batch오리엔티드인데 반해

Phoeix는 real-time Query도 수행하도록 만든 빠른 레이어이다.

  -query를 HBase scan으로 만들어 빠르게 수행한다. 

  -HBase API를 바로 사용도 가능. 

 ==> 그냥 jdbc 드라이버+SQL지원 정도의 용도로 많이 사용한다.


Phoenix : RDB 레이어 over hBase.

 - Query engine + Metadata 저장소.

 - JDBC driver 제공.

 - Hive와 같이 join등 제공. 

 <Secondary index 방식 3가지>

 - write only / + append 방식 

 - global for read-heavy mutable data

 - local for write-heavy mutable or immutable

각종 join모두 지원.


Phoenix Calcite ? 

----View생성 from HBase 테이블:  이름  transactions, ColumnFamily:transactions일때

 CREATE VIEW "TransactionHistory" (k VARCHAR primary key, "Transactions"."transactionId" VARCHAR);. 

 =>  Select "transactionId" from "Transactions" 

      그리고 ALTER VIEW명령어로 column추가 가능.   



======Sqlline 사용한 shell 이용 방법====

   $cd /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/bin/


  pnix> !tables

  pnix> select * from MY.MY_TABLE

0: jdbc:phoenix:> help

!all                Execute the specified SQL against all the current connections

!autocommit         Set autocommit mode on or off

!batch              Start or execute a batch of statements

!brief              Set verbose mode off

!call               Execute a callable statement

!close              Close the current connection to the database

!closeall           Close all current open connections

!columns            List all the columns for the specified table

!commit             Commit the current transaction (if autocommit is off)

!connect            Open a new connection to the database.

!dbinfo             Give metadata information about the database

!describe           Describe a table

!dropall            Drop all tables in the current database

!exportedkeys       List all the exported keys for the specified table

!go                 Select the current connection

!help               Print a summary of command usage

!history            Display the command history

!importedkeys       List all the imported keys for the specified table

!indexes            List all the indexes for the specified table

!isolation          Set the transaction isolation for this connection

!list               List the current connections

!manual             Display the SQLLine manual

!metadata           Obtain metadata information

!nativesql          Show the native SQL for the specified statement

!outputformat       Set the output format for displaying results


!primarykeys        List all the primary keys for the specified table

!procedures         List all the procedures

!properties         Connect to the database specified in the properties file(s)

!quit               Exits the program

!reconnect          Reconnect to the database

!record             Record all output to the specified file

!rehash             Fetch table and column names for command completion

!rollback           Roll back the current transaction (if autocommit is off)

!run                Run a script from the specified file

!save               Save the current variabes and aliases

!scan               Scan for installed JDBC drivers

!script             Start saving a script to a file

!set                Set a sqlline variable

  => !set maxWitdh 200    :  Terminal 가로 출력 길이 세팅.

!sql                Execute a SQL command
!tables             List all the tables in the database
!typeinfo           Display the type map for the current connection
!verbose            Set verbose mode on

Posted by yongary